May 3, 2024

Blue Beetle 4K UHD Review: 4Khaji-Da

1 min read

Blue Beetle was a different flavor of superhero movies with its focus on Jaime Reyes and his family. Now on home video in 4K UHD, it extends a unique look in the highest definition.

There is a nice lavender glow to all the Kord lights. The bright blue of Jaime’s suit matches the blue halo of the atmosphere when he flies into space.

The real world of Palmer City is also a beachy pastel that gives off Miami vibes. Some of it was actually filmed in Puerto Rico so captures that in a big Hollywood movie.

When the Blue Beetle fights Kord’s mechanical army, it gives a fresh look to the superhero battles.

Blue Beetle has a full surround sound mix too. You’ll hear flyovers, whirs and rumbles of battle. Kord gunfire comes from all corners.

It also feels rare these days to get a full hour of bonus features on a new release. These are slickly produced features with the whole cast and crew, addressing the comic book, adaptation decisions, Xolo Maridueña trying on the suit and working out, filming in Puerto Rico and more down to specific scenes they walk through.

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