Rachel Ziegler is the iconic Disney Princess, surrounded by her Seven Dwarfs. As of today, the film, which was originally set to open on March 22, 2024, has now been pushed back to March 21, 2025.
Zegler stars as Snow White and Gal Gadot plays The Evil Queen. Ansu Kabia co-stars as the Huntsman and Andrew Burnap plays a new character named Jonathan. The Seven Dwarfs have been reimagined for the remake, and Zegler has said that this new iteration will not be as focused on the romantic subplot but instead will show Snow White become the leader her father encouraged her to be. The reimagined storyline and Zegler’s casting — she will be the first Latina to play Snow White — have generated some online criticism for veering so far away from the source material.
But before you go get your knickers in a twist, just realize that there have been other film versions of Snow White that put their own spin on things. There was the more recent film “Snow White and the Huntsman” in 2012 (plus its sequel), and in 1961 there was “Snow White and the Three Stooges”. With Larry, Moe, and Curly taking the place of the dwarfs. So calm down, this is just a movie. If you don’t like it you don’t have to watch it.
And speaking of dwarfs, the ones in this Disney live-action Snow White look a little like the animated dwarfs from the original classic have been creepily combined with the dwarfs in the live-action “Hobbit” trilogy… kind of off-putting. That picture could just as easily be from the new Horror flick, “Snow White: You In Danger Girl!!!”