Beginning back in 2021… the SyFy series Resident Alien stars Alan Tudyk as the titular alien, who, while on a mission to destroy humanity, finds himself stranded in Patience, Colorado after crash landing. The Alien quickly kills and takes over the identity of Harry Vanderspeigle, a mysterious doctor on vacation in the sleepy town. And a quirky good time is had by all.

The series has been a huge hit since release, and now boasts an overall score of 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.

While Seasons 1 and 2 of Resident Alien landed on NETFLIX back in February last year, and quickly made its way onto the top ten. Fans have been left waiting for an update regarding when they will be able to catch up with Harry in Season three… Well now we know…

Resident Alien Season 3 is due to hit Netflix in the United States on February 13th, 2025.

At present, this date is only for Netflix in the U.S., but hopefully season 3 will be invading the rest of the world soon. Or, at least, before the show returns with Season 4 on USA Network.

Resident Alien is moving from original network SyFy to USA Network. And season 4 is expected later this year.