Kill 4K UHD Review: Under Siege 2 Too

Kill wouldn’t have to claim to be the goriest Indian movie ever made to gain my interest. It’s an action movie on a train in a classic Die Hard scenario of one against dozens. Perhaps it stands out against PG-13 Hollywood action movies and harkens back to the ‘80s R-rated fare.

Kill begins as a romance as lovers Amrit (Lakshya) and Tulika (Tanya Maniktala) plan to escape her arranged marriage. But, the train gets Under Siege 2ed by over 30 bandits. Amrit is badder than Steven Seagal because he was a commando.

There’s good close quarters fight choreography. The film uses the corridors cleverly, along with found weapons. While fire extinguishers and the like are not new, Amrit uses them in brutal ways.

The 4K UHD brings all this violence and mayhem into vivid focus. Not only does it compare favorably to Hollywood movies, but recent Indian productions that have appeared in 4K stateside.

Kill makes use of surround sound too, with all the train noises. Fight hits occur distinctly in different speakers.

A 45 minute behind the scenes feature shows how they constructed the train to accommodate all the camera angles. One thing I never suspected was that it wasn’t a real train. They even designed the interior so that blood shows up. It can be just as hyped as Hollywood bonus features, but it delves into the martial arts training and style so it’s all valid.