Civil War 4K UHD Review: Front Lines in 4K

This year’s portrait of a modern day civil war presents the cautionary tale as a stark reality in 4K. Civil War was shot for IMAX theaters so that clarity ports home, if not the full scale of it. You are there in the city streets and driving the backroads of America.

The camera remains low on the ground as the photographers and jouranlists sneak through towering cities under siege. You’re also creamped in that car with those four reports. The sky in the D.C. finale presents the deepest of night.

The sounds of war are equally vivid. Gunshots surround you. Explosions echo in the distance and debris falls on the other side.

A six part behind the scenes documentary runs 56 minutes and it’s thorough on the film’s politic themes and filmmaking, including specific production and costume design, with all the cameras mounted on the car. I’ll say again, props to A24 and Lionsgate for continuing to produce bonus features like we got in the old days of DVD and laserdisc.