The Beekeeper was one of Jason Statham’s best vehicles. It understood exactly what is appealing about Stratham taking out the bad guys. Scammers of the elderly are truly despicable and worthy of Statham’s beatings, and then The Beekeeper goes crazy and escalates the villain higher. This movie has some of Statham’s most colorful fight scenes.
Since The Beekeeper is a modern movie, the 4K UHD looks just like it did in theaters, perhaps even better depending on your TV. There are some flashy colors in the neon purple call centers and blue light of the gas station. Colorful villains wear flamboyant purple and yellow too.
The 4K UHD also boasts some nice shadows, from The Beekeeper’s booby trapped hideout and nighttime scenes to the fight scenes during which lights are knocked out and create more and more shadows by the end.
The score hums in surround sound throughout the film, and you’ll feel the rumble of gunshots and punches.
There are no bonus features for this but the film speaks for itself and stands alone.