Gregg Araki’s Teen Apocalypse Trilogy Review: Totally 4Ked Up

I rented The Doom Generation on VHS because it looked cool. Frankly, it was probably Rose McGowan’s picture on the cover. I wasn’t ready for Gregg Araki then. 29 years and 15 Sundances later, I’m ready and got to rediscover all three films.

The Doom Generation in 4K is on the road in the night void. The red light frames McGowan with hellish beauty, and bright white quickie marts are surreal. There are some great checkerboard contrasts too. And there’s film dirt! It’s minimal but it’s real!

Nowhere is also in 4K and has more red light and bright white walls too. The wardrobe glows with bright wardrobe colors and I appreciate all the L.A. locations now.

The film parts of Totally F***ed Up hold up nicely on Blu-ray. The video is still what it is.

James Duval and Araki bring out old scripts and scrapbook items that provoke stories. Araki and Richard Linklater reminisce about their film festival days. It’s great to hear those ‘90s stories. I met Araki at Sundance 2014 and he was already established.

A three-way Zoom with Araki, Duval and Andrea Sperling generates more tales. Then more guests join so you get a full panel of the crafts team.

A new Nowhere commentary with Arraki and the cast is lively and more reminiscing. Some highlights

New nowhere com Araki and cast lively and more reminiscing. Highlights include Rachel True getting nostalgic for her old teeth and Roland Emmerich’s comments on the film.